Sunday, October 20, 2013

You worked what?

77 hours.  In 7 days.  That is the lab and typing.  If this is retirement, then it sucks.  I also pumped over 300 ounces of milk in those same 7 days. 

I really suck at quitting jobs.  I need to work on it.  Until then...I am thrilled to have two hours at the end of this weekend that is truly mine.  I am so burned out and exhausted. 

On a "wahoo" note, basketball practice starts on November the 4th....the same day I have to make a quick trip to Sioux Falls, SD.  Games start November 25th.  Can't wait.  The boys thinks he will start varsity this year.  Fingers crossed. 

And that's it for now.  Gonna use the last bit of my weekend to take a long...ok not so long, hot bath. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

2 weeks in

I am two weeks into my notice at work.  I have four (ish) weeks to go.  I got really mad at them one day and threatened to just leave but I don't really want to go out like that so I am still there, working out my notice, but more on my terms.  Since they wanted a longer leave than I wanted to give, we negotiated part time hours.  I work 6:30 am to 10:30 am and then am home typing in the afternoons.  That lasts for a few more weeks and if they hire someone it ends immediately.  I really hope they hire someone soon.  I saw my job posted in the newspaper and it seemed really weird but still right.  I think their biggest problem finding a replacement is that they don't want to pay for what they want.  I imagine they will end up hiring another assistant and not a tech like I was. 

On another note, I found insurance that will cover me for pregnancy...with no surrogacy exclusion.  Not that I'm getting pregnant...because I'm not...but just in case. 

The Swedes are headed this way for one final visit before they fly home.  We have had several long meals with them and have really enjoyed their visit.  They are wonderful, the family is wonderful, and every time I see this family I helped create I get this warm glow.  Surrogacy is awesome.  :)

Will post pictures later of the Swedes. The kids are adorable and the dads are tired but great.