Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The downside

So what is the downside of surrogacy?  It's not that some people don't understand your motivation.  It's not that sometimes there are complications. 

The downside is that sometimes, moments after giving your IPs an happy, healthy baby, all hell breaks looks.  A surro friend of mine is in trouble.  She's the one who sent me all those wonderful hpt tests this cycle.  She has had some complications this pregnancy and now this.  After her c-section today (for placenta previa) she began to bleed.  They did a total hysterectomy and gave her 16 units of blood.  She is in the ICU and not at all stable.  She is intubated and has fluid around her heart and lungs.  She is a wife and mother and today created a family.  Please pray for her. 


  1. Saying many prayers. I am so sorry for your friend and her family

  2. God bless her and help her to pull through.
