Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Darn scientific studies

I am a scientist....a chemist in fact. When I was in school we were encouraged to read scientific articles and studies and to really analyze them. To this day, I get a little excited when I find the abstract of a study (or even better, the actual study). I won't read the parts of studies that make it into the regular news because in general the media tries to distort the data to make it read the way they want it to. They usually have an agenda.

Anywho, today I was perusing some journals and made the mistake of reading a study about bonding. They were talking about how a baby hears the voice of the mother/carrier and bonds with them. And how if they don't hear that same voice after that they will miss the mother/carrier and mourn for her. Let's just say that I was crying after reading that. I don't want to think that the baby misses me, even for a brief point. I know that the guys are everything the baby needs but it makes sense that the baby would miss the voice it knows.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't worry about the baby "missing you" - their memory is not that complex yet, but the baby will recognize your voice. I'm actually a psychologist who does support groups for surrogates and I think your blog is awesome! Some ideas we talk about are playing a recording of the parent(s) voice reading/singing to the baby (in the womb) so they recognize their voices when they are born too.
